Trintellix Destroyed My Brain: The Truth About Trintellix

trintellix destroyed my brain

The Truth About Trintellix

Trintellix is an antidepressant medication widely prescribed to adults for treating major depressive disorder (MDD). As part of a class known as serotonin modulators, Trintellix modulates neurotransmitter levels like serotonin within the brain. Trintellix is typically safe and effective for most individuals; however, as with any medication, it may cause side effects in some. These could include nausea, diarrhea, dry mouth, constipation, and changes in sexual desire or ability. These effects should become less frequent over time as your body adjusts.

Some individuals may experience more severe or persistent side effects from taking Trintellix, and any issues must be reported directly to a healthcare provider. If someone feels their cognitive function or overall mental wellbeing has been adversely impacted by Trintellix medication, seeking guidance from healthcare providers is vitally important. This article will dive into some trintellix destroyed my brain disaster personal stories, trintellix pros and cons, and trintellix side effects.

Trintellix Pros and Cons

Trintellix (vortioxetine) is an antidepressant medication prescribed to adults suffering from major depressive disorder (MDD). Trintellix offers potential benefits (pros) and drawbacks (cons) like any medication. Individual responses to medications vary, so all treatment decisions must be discussed with healthcare providers beforehand. Following are some of its common pros and cons:


  • Effective in Treating Depression: Trintellix has shown remarkable effectiveness in treating major depressive disorder. It modulates serotonin levels in the brain, which may contribute to its antidepressant effects. Low Incidence of Sexual Side Effects:
  • Low Incidence of Sexual Side Effects: Trintellix may cause fewer sexual side effects, including decreased libido and difficulty with attaining or maintaining an erection, than some other antidepressants. There may also be potential improvements in cognitive functioning from Trintellix.
  • Potential Improvement in Cognitive Function: Some individuals may report improved cognitive function after taking Trintellix, such as better concentration and mental clarity. There may also be multiple mechanisms at work.
  • Multiple Mechanisms of Action: Trintellix works on various serotonin receptors and has a multimodal mechanism of action. This makes it suitable for individuals who have not found relief with other antidepressant treatments.
  • Flexible Dosage Options: Trintellix comes in various dosage strengths, allowing individuals to tailor the medication according to their needs and tolerance levels.


  • Nausea and Gastrointestinal Distress: Trintellix may cause nausea, which may be uncomfortable and bothersome for some individuals. To minimize its side effects, take your medication with food to help alleviate its negative impacts.
  • Cost: Trintellix may be more costly than some other antidepressant medications, making its cost a consideration for those without adequate insurance coverage.
  • Trintellix Brain Fog: Some individuals may experience cognitive side effects commonly known as “brain fog” or mental impairment, including memory, attention, or decision-making difficulty.
  • Interaction With Other Medications: Trintellix may interact with various medications, and healthcare providers must be informed about all medicines taken, such as supplements or herbs, to avoid potential drug interactions.
  • Withdrawal Symptoms: Abruptly discontinuing Trintellix can result in withdrawal symptoms like dizziness, headaches, irritability, and flu-like symptoms; discontinuation should only be undertaken under healthcare professionals’ guidance.
  • Individual Variability in Response: Trintellix can have varied results depending on each individual; some may experience a significant reduction of depressive symptoms, while others may not respond as favorably.

Important Note: Trintellix users should consult a healthcare provider about their unique situation before using them. This enables them to receive an in-depth assessment of potential benefits and risks based on medical history, symptoms, and overall health status.

Trintellix Side Effects: Severe and Negative

Certain people may experience more intense or prolonged adverse effects. It’s important to discuss any concerns with a medical specialist. If you suspect that your mental function or overall wellbeing has been affected by a medication such as Trintellix, it’s crucial to seek advice from a doctor.

TRINTELLIX can result in adverse severe negative side effects, such as:

Sexual issues: Taking trintellix may cause sexual problems. The symptoms for males could include delayed ejaculation, inability to ejaculate, reduced sex drive, or difficulties in maintaining or getting an erection. Females might experience decreased sex drive and delayed orgasm or inability to experience an orgasm. Speak to your doctor if you notice some changes or problems with your sexual activity or if there are any doubts or questions about sexual issues while receiving treatments with TRINTELLIX.

Risk of Bleeding Increased: Taking Trintellix with aspirin, NSAIDs, warfarin, or blood thinners can increase the risk. Inform your doctor immediately about any bleeding issues or bruises.

Eye Issues: Trintellix may cause an eye condition called angle closure, or glaucoma, in patients with other eye disorders. You should go through an eye exam to determine whether you’re susceptible and seek preventative treatment if you’re. Consult your physician for eye pain, changes to your vision, swelling, or redness around your eye.

Manic Episodes: Manic episodes may happen for people who have bipolar disorder and are taking Trintellix. The symptoms could include significantly more energy, racing thoughts, awe-inspiring thoughts, speaking more or more quickly than usual sle, sleeping with difficulty, and waking up with excessive joy or anger.

trintellix destroyed my brain | trintellix side effects
trintellix destroyed my brain

Discontinuation Syndrome: Suddenly stopping trintellix could cause serious side effects like nausea, sweating, shifts in mood, disturbance and agitation, electric shock sensation, anxiety, tremors, headache, confusion, tiredness, insomnia, hypomania, the ringing of your ears, seizures.

Serotonin Syndrome: A potentially life-threatening problem that can occur if you use Trintellix along with other medications. Contact your physician or go to an emergency room immediately if you experience any of the following signs or symptoms of serotonin syndrome: Arousal; seeing or hearing things that don’t exist; confusion, coma, rapid heartbeat; changes in blood pressure, flushing, sweating, dizziness and high body temperature stiff, shaky muscles, or muscle twitching; loss coordination seizures; nausea vomiting and diarrhea.

Low salt (sodium) levels in your blood: Low sodium levels in your blood, which can be dangerous and cause death, could occur during treatment with Trintellix. People who are elderly and those who are taking certain medicines could have a greater chance of experiencing low sodium levels in their blood. Some signs and symptoms include headaches, trouble concentrating, memory issues, confusion, weakening, and unsteadiness on your feet that could cause falls. In more extreme or unexpected instances, symptoms and signs may include seeing or hearing things that aren’t real or real, fainting, seizures, and coma—stoppage of breathing.

The most commonly reported adverse consequences of Trintellix are:

  • nausea
  • constipation
  • vomiting

Many possible side effects could occur with Trintellix. Talk to your doctor if you are experiencing any bothersome or persistent side effects.

Trintellix Changed My Life: Some Personal Stories

Trintellix destroyed my brain and everything I was concerned about

Hello. I’m unsure where to begin; however, I’ve been taking Brintellix for around eight years. It was because of anxiety attacks and depression. So, I began to take this “medicine”. In the beginning, my ex-girlfriend and I lived in a rented apartment. We enjoyed an exceptional relationship, and everything was working perfectly. I had a very successful career and business. I loved and enjoyed both. The only thing I didn’t find alarming is the chance to have mental issues. Therefore, I purchased Brintellix, and it appeared to be very effective.

After about a half year of using the drug, I decided to apply for a loan to buy an apartment. I had never thought of it before and was confident I was not obligated to banks. We bought a house and then moved. In the beginning, I had taken 5 mg of medication. I continued to work or work. And it seemed to be heading well. However, there was one issue. What I did was just inertia. No more innovation, no shift in business.

I couldn’t even purchase the equipment for the apartment and decorate it like ordinary people do. It was all unfinished. It didn’t bother me; perhaps I was experiencing the fog of my brain based on today’s view. After three years, I started to experience bizarre depressions that recurred with the manias. Brintellix did not seem to be working. The doctor then increased my dosage to 10 mg. This was the pivotal moment. After just a few weeks of using the drug at 10 mg, the experience was terrific.

I could feel a direct connection to “divine vitality.” I realized that I didn’t need anything more to be alive other than to “be.” I started listening to esoteric talks. I also heard ambient and tranquil music. I began buying synthesizers and created ambient music of my own. I purchased ethnic instruments, singing bowls, and a Native American flute… I was entering states of consciousness. I didn’t require a business or a job anymore; I didn’t even require any girlfriend for any reason. Beautiful, what would you think? Now, I’m planning to make it shorter. After a few years of this craziness, I woke up in my aunt’s house in an unassuming room.

I’m not married to the woman I was with for 18 years. I don’t even have a home, and I don’t own an organization; I do not have employment. It’s been a little over 1 month since my life was destroyed, and it’s been around half a year since I quit the use of Brintellix to end my treatment. It’s only recently that I am beginning to realize what I went through.

However, I’m not the person I was before I started taking this drug. I’m baffled, and everything is happening to me slowly. My ex-girlfriend and I often chat on the phone; she is expecting a baby with a new partner. I wish her all the best of luck, and we parted in good spirits. Today, I’m facing a dilemma where, at the age of 41, I’ll have to come back.

Genie Hopper

Trintellix is a surefire way to cause full-blown depression (what you’re talking about) for people who have Bipolar disorder. I was taking 10 mg, but it stopped working, so I was put at 20 mg. I didn’t have mania, but hypomania. I was thrilled. The happiness lasted for approximately a month. Then I became furious—also, hypomania.

I stopped taking it for a while, and then I went back to 5 mg, which I have been on for around three months. As of now, the 5 mg works great. In all honesty, I’m not planning on the dosage ever again. It’s given to patients with treatment-resistant depression to treat. It’s a powerful treatment, and it’s not fun.

Was your doctor there when you started experiencing the drastic changes in your personality and depression? My psychiatrist told me, “Oh, I’m sorry you’re hypomanic. We’ll taper off and reassess.” It seems like an infraction for any doctor to look at how your mental health was changing and then refill your prescription.

Amanda Parker

The situation you’ve described is more likely to be a side effect of Trintellix and more likely a result of a mismatch between treatments and medications for your particular needs and mental health professionals not being able to put you onto a medication or coping plan that has addressed your concerns.

I’ve been taking Trintellix to combat depression and general anxiety since it came on the market in 2013. It started with 5 mg and was increased to 15 mg in the initial two years. I’ve continued to take it for the last two years. My psychiatrist sees me once a year as a routine, and I contact him if I require more assistance during sessions. I’m currently 8 months.

I am pregnant and have experienced them every two months due to the extreme hormonal fluctuations that come with pregnancy. Still, I haven’t experienced any issues that I could be able to directly attribute to my use of Trintellix (i.e., anxiety about becoming a mom for the first time at 39 years old will be a reality no matter what; however, it can be addressed by educating myself and using non-medical ways of coping).

Conclusion: Trintellix Destroyed My Brain

The primary goal is to locate a professional who can help you clear your confusion and unravel the maze of information that Trintellix did not seem to help treat. If you have a diagnosis of bipolar, well, then you’re on options to proceed with RX or non-RX choices that can aid you in your recovery; however, it’s important to remember that the meds can only be supportive. It is still necessary to do the work and look for information from a third party that we cannot apply to our mental health. If you have a fresh slate, start from scratch and figure yourself out one knot at a time.

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trintellix destroyed my brain

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